Here at St Paul's safeguarding is paramount. It informs all of our decision making and we do all we can to ensure our children are safe, happy and feel well supported.
If you do have any safeguarding concerns, please call the school office and asked to speak to a DSL (Designated Safeguard Lead), or email - which is monitored by the DSLs.
The Safeguarding Team
Our Deputy Headteacher, Mrs L. Bryan is the Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL). Mrs A. Alden (Headteacher), Mr D. Hill (Assistant Headteacher) Mrs .J Shaw (Office Manager) and Mrs D. Moore (Higher Level Teaching Assistant / IT Technician) are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs) and they all form the safeguarding team.
We also have a Home School Link Worker, Vicky Kelsall, who supports families and children and if you wish to make contact with her, please have a conversation with Mrs Shaw in the office, Mrs Alden or Mrs Edwards (SENDCo)
All staff are vigilant and safeguarding conversations will always be prioritised and part of our daily dialogue. We have a child-friendly version of our safeguarding policy that teachers also share with their classes. (This can be found in the link at the bottom of the page).
We meet regularly as a safeguarding team and staff are mindful to notice and share concerns. The team consists of staff from all avenues of school life so there are a range of people for children and adults to talk to. This means a range of perspectives are seen.
We also have 'Talk Time' daily so children can speak with a mental health first aid trained staff member about anything they would like to share.
Please click on the link below if you wish to read the DfE document that informs our policy decisions. It is called Keeping Children Safe in Education
Keeping Children Safe in Education (2023 Revised)
Please have a read of our safeguarding policy, click on the link below and scroll down for it.
St Paul's CofE Primary School POLICIES
Online Safety for parents:
Please go to the Online Safety Section on the website for useful information about using the Internet and Social Media.