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At St Paul’s we believe that P.S.H.E Education should resonate with our vision of Inspiring learning, nurturing wholeness and our values of Respect, Perseverance, Compassion, Trust, Hope and Wisdom Our vision and values underpin our learning in the context of understanding ourselves and others. Establishing ground rules within PSHE learning, fosters trust and respect by all class members. This will be the pre-requisite for our individual and group work.

We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the community by taking part in a wide range of activities and experiences across, and beyond, the curriculum. In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity, diversity and differences so that they can appreciate empowering values and go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.

We believe it is vital to empower our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills to enable them to recognise their own worth and develop respect for others within the school and wider community.  At St Paul’s we believe that effective PSHE Education can make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills needed by pupils if they are to establish and maintain healthy relationships for life.

At St. Paul’s we base our PSHE Education teaching and learning on a mindful whole school approach. Each half termly unit has a focus which is based on one of the following themes that is revisited throughout the school with spiral knowledge and skills progression: Being Me in My World; Celebrating Difference; Dreams and Goals; Healthy Me; Relationships; Changing Me. Teaching objectives enable the children to respond to the key question through a range of activities which are suited to their needs and ages.


At St Paul’s we teach PSHE Education and Citizenship in a variety of ways. In most instances, it is taught as a discrete subject, and at times, it is through a cross-curricular approach. We also teach about being a responsible global citizen using ‘Picture news’ each week to consider a range of issues and news events, through the lens of considering British Values.

Collective worship will often touch on specific themes related to PSHE Education and Citizenship. These have a planned focus and are often used to launch specific concepts, for example, friendship and acts of kindness.

We also provide enrichment activities to support the curriculum such as participating in “Food Awareness Week,” “Anti- Bullying Week” and, “Feeling Good Week” where all the children take part in a range of age appropriate activities.

 We have a whole school PSHE Education scheme of work using the Jigsaw scheme which identifies provision for each year group from Reception to Year 6. The curriculum allows for teaching and learning in each of the following core themes, through a developmentally progressive spiralling curriculum: Health and Wellbeing/ Relationships /Living in the Wider World

The PSHE Education curriculum provides learning opportunities which link to the knowledge, skills and understanding as outlined in the PSHE Assoc Programme of Study for KS1 and 2.

A variety of teaching and learning strategies are used to deliver PSHE Education and Citizenship which take into account pupils’ age, development, understanding and needs. We acknowledge that pupils will need to work in a safe and secure environment to be able to explore their own and others’ attitudes, values and skills. Teachers and staff should be sensitive to pupil and family situations and backgrounds and give consideration to these issues when planning lessons.

Effective PSHE Education /Citizenship lessons will involve a high level of interaction where each pupil has planned opportunities for learning through:

  • The development of a trusting relationship between the teacher and the pupils enabling the    consideration of sensitive issues to take place
  • Collaborative work
  • Opportunities for reflection
  • Challenge within a safe environment
  • Respect for each genuinely made contribution
  • Negotiation
  • Accommodating new information and skills
  • Building on current experience and using first-hand learning to achieve positive ends

In Years R-3, PSHE Education will often be recorded in a whole class floor book in which comments from children ,as well as photos of activities, can be captured by the class teacher. From Year 4,  each child has a PSHE book in which to record their written activities.

Differentiation in PSHE Education means providing for each pupil’s individual needs by the various ways support is offered and final outcomes are achieved.  Depending on the focus, some differentiation is planned into the lesson and some will occur as more support is required or outcomes are amended during the lesson. 


At St Paul’s, we aim to foster an enthusiasm for PSHE Education and for all children to acquire and develop the skills and attitudes needed for their life both now and in the future.

Children are encouraged to be able to offer their contributions in lessons within a mutually respectful classroom environment. Teachers can assess how successful the learning has been by considering each individual child’s responses in a range of different ways such as; verbal, written, pictorial or through role play.

Monitoring of the subject enables the impact of the PSHE learning to be judged through the use of work scrutiny, learning walks and through conversations with children.

Yearly Overview 2024/2025



Autumn 1

Jigsaw - Being Me in My World

Autumn 2

Jigsaw - Celebrating Difference

Spring 1

Jigsaw - Dreams and Goals

Spring 2

RSE focus using Chis Winter

Summer 1

Jigsaw - Relationships

Summer 2

Jigsaw - Healthy Me