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Wednesday 2nd November 2022

We are extremely lucky in St Paul’s to have an ex-Royal Ballet ballerina working with us.  Mrs Cox spent the day in workshops with all the children in school, from Reception to Year 6, helping us to understand how ballet can be used to promote general fitness and develop good core strength.  We heard how even professional footballers and many different sports people use ballet to help improve their performances.  We were shown how to warm up using good feet, ‘naughty’ feet, standing on tip-toes and using really small steps to run around the hall.  We also had a wonderful assembly where Mrs Cox shared with us some of the performances from the Royal Ballet and showed us her amazing point shoes.

All the year groups totally enjoyed their workshops and found them really exciting.  One Year 6 boy commented, ‘It was great to see that ballet isn’t just for girls and that it could be a fun and interesting experience’.

Thank you Mrs Cox!