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Including Everybody

Achievement and challenge

Our children's attainment on leaving St. Paul's is consistently high. We are proud of the progress all our children make in their time with us. Ofsted have noted that “pupils of all abilities are encouraged to reach the highest levels  of which they are capable.” We aim to ensure that every child is able to make good progress and fulfil their potential, to whatever level that may be for them. We like to challenge our children, expect them to work hard but help and encourage them when they find things difficult.

Special Needs

"The Christian character of St. Paul's drives an inclusive ethos throughout the school community. One parent commented that there is an "amazing atmosphere," while another said, "it is a very listening place where pupils feel valued."

 We believe that our children’s lives are enriched by working and playing with children of many abilities, talents and needs. We are committed to providing the very best for children with special needs. All classrooms and areas, and some toilets, are accessible in a wheel chair.

 “Disabled pupils and those with special needs make exceptional progress because of the excellent support they receive, planned and targeted to meet their needs.” (Ofsted 2013)

Personal Development

Children are involved in all aspects of school life. For example, they help as recycling monitors, librarians and milk monitors. In Year 6 they help the younger children by taking on additional responsibility as playground leaders and prefects.

We have an active school council with a representative from every class. The school council says: “We really make a difference. We meet each week, are asked for our views and make suggestions. We have supported safe cycling to school and organised charity events.”

Caring Community

We expect high standards of behaviour. Children are taught to respect the views of others and to care for each other. We encourage children to work both independently and as part of a team. We believe that praise is the most effective way of promoting confidence and good behaviour.

“Pupils work together in pairs and groups. Teachers encourage them to listen to, and learn from, each other and this has a very positive impact on their attitudes and progress” (Ofsted 2013)

“Pupils said they feel safe in school and are confident of the support of teachers and other adults when they have problems.” (Ofsted 2013)

"Parents are extremely appreciative and very supportive of the nurturing atmosphere of the school." (SIAMS 2017)